Here are the 10 highest caffeine coffees in the world:
- Black Insomnia Coffee (1,105 mg caffeine per 12 oz serving) This South African coffee claims to be the world’s strongest, with an astonishing 1,105 mg of caffeine per 12 oz serving.
- Devil Mountain Black Label (964 mg caffeine per 12 oz serving) Devil Mountain’s Black Label coffee packs a staggering 964 mg of caffeine in a single 12 oz cup.
- Black Blood of the Earth (928 mg caffeine per 12 oz serving) This Thai coffee roaster’s blend contains a massive 928 mg of caffeine per 12 oz serving.
- Biohazard Coffee (928 mg caffeine per 12 oz serving) With an identical caffeine content to Black Blood of the Earth, Biohazard Coffee is another ultra-caffeinated contender.
- Death Wish Coffee (728 mg caffeine per 12 oz serving) One of the most well-known high-caffeine coffees, Death Wish Coffee boasts 728 mg of caffeine in a 12 oz cup.
- Vigorra Shingen Noir (567 mg caffeine per 12 oz serving) This Japanese coffee brand’s Shingen Noir blend delivers a potent 567 mg of caffeine per 12 oz serving.
- Napalm Coffee (504 mg caffeine per 12 oz serving) With 504 mg of caffeine in a 12 oz serving, Napalm Coffee certainly lives up to its explosive name.
- Banned Coffee (474 mg caffeine per 12 oz serving) Banned Coffee’s unique blend contains a whopping 474 mg of caffeine in a standard 12 oz cup.
- Starbucks Venti Pike Place Roast (415 mg caffeine per 20 oz serving) While not as extreme as some others, a Venti Pike Place Roast from Starbucks packs 415 mg of caffeine.
- Black Rifle Coffee Company (330 mg caffeine per 12 oz serving) Rounding out the list, Black Rifle Coffee Company’s blend contains a substantial 330 mg of caffeine per 12 oz serving.
It’s important to note that these ultra-high caffeine coffees should be consumed with extreme caution and moderation, as excessive caffeine intake can lead to serious side effects like jitters, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, and even caffeine toxicity. The recommended daily limit for healthy adults is 400 mg of caffeine.